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Why Join BATango

You become a part of the oldest and largest group to support Argentine Tango on the West Coast. Tango is a lifestyle supported by our passion and joy for life. In 1992, Bay Area Tangueros came together to form The Bay Area Argentine Tango Association. Their hope was to educate the public in the joys of dancing Argentine Tango. The focus was on providing venues to dance, music to listen to, and teachers to improve their skills. Today the Argentine Tango Community in the Bay Area is more than 500 strong. The Bay Area Argentine Tango Association acts as a central contact point for the activities in the Bay Area.

We provide our members with many Resources, including:
Events List Emailed twice a month before it hits the web site. The most up to date listing of all events in the Bay Area.

Membership in a private Yahoo Group that sends a daily digest of all the tango events and information, emailed events list, and special tango email alerts.

Special Pricing at Workshops with Tango Masters Omar Vega, Christy Cote, Entrance to concerts such as the Violin Jazz Concert with Jeremy Cohen, Mechanics Library Events that include movies and concerts with local talent Cem Duruoz and Roberto Forte, and most Tango A Media Luz events.

Discounted Entrances to Milongas like the Danceasy, Mission Blue, Carmel Milonga, Nora's Celebration Tango Ball, Blue Moon Milonga, Tango By The Bay, Espiritu Libre.

Free Milongas for BATango members hosted by BATango for the community.

Community Outreach events to get more people interested in Argentine Tango like Tango Asfalto, Tango on the Square, and other tango promotions.

Special BATango Discount of 10% on CDs from Bay Area Teacher and Tango Empresario Christy Cote.

Click here for a membership or renewal application.
For membership info, contact us by email, at or by Calling the hotline.
Dues are $35 a year for individuals and $60 for couples.

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